краткое содержание всех арок Реборна, утянуто с тумблера
читать дальшеTsuna: What the fuck was that? Tsuna: Who the fuck am i? Reborn: You're fucking stupid. Gokudera: I hate you. Tsuna: Who the fuck are you? Gokudera: LOLJK I FUCKING LOVE YOU. ASDFGHJKL;
TYL ARC: Byakuran: Fucking MARSHMALLOWS. Nom nom nom Shou- kun: I'M GOING TO MAKE EVERYONE FUCKING HATE ME AND THEN LOVE ME. Spanner: Fucking awesome mini moskas. Tsuna: FUCKING TIME THINGY BYAKURAN. Tsuna: Freaking X-burner.
NO WAIT THERE'S THE SHIMON ARC: Enma: I'm a loser like Tsuna. We are fucking best buddies--oh no not anymore, sorry dude I had to betray you to steal a vial of blood because it's more important than my tomodachis-- oh wait we're friends again. Whole Shimon Family: Fuck Vongola--oh you saved my life we're friends. Tsuna: ENNMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Vendicare: Everybody fucking hates us. Giotto, Cozart, G: We are beloved nakama.
SO FAR IN ARCOBALENO ARC: Reborn: I'm hot. Colonello: I'm hot. Tsuna: I'm stupid. Iemitsu: I'm a douchebag.